Brow Lamination vs. Microblading: How the Treatments Compare

Brow lamination and microblading are two of the most popular eyebrow treatments available, so as a salon owner or stylist, you're wise to offer them. Both treatments fulfill a similar purpose: to create fuller, more natural-looking eyebrows. But both treatments are also likely to elicit a host of questions from your clients, including: Which treatment is better?

Keep reading to learn more about brow lamination and microblading, including how each treatment works, what's involved in the post-treatment care, and who benefits the most from each service.


Brow lamination is like a perm for your eyebrows—except instead of bouncing curls, eyebrow hair is semi-permanently straightened and put in place. It enhances the natural eyebrow hairs that your clients currently have.

Using a multistep process, the eyebrow's hair follicle is softened enough to allow for realignment and styling. After the brows have been combed or styled into the desired position, a perming solution is added to hold their shape.

Brow lamination can last up to two months with proper care.

Brow lamination process


Understanding the step-by-step process of brow lamination is essential to achieve the right results for your client.

You begin the treatment by donning personal protective equipment (PPE) and applying a specialized lifting solution. This softens the brow hairs and makes them more pliable. Then, you'll shape and comb the brows into the desired position—customizing the look for the client.

Following the shaping phase, apply a setting solution to lock the brow hairs into shape. If the client wants, you can also incorporate brow tinting to enhance the hair's color and definition.

The treatment process is pretty straightforward once you know how to do it. Through practice, you'll develop the correct technique to create the complete look customers want. 


Brow lamination does not require a lengthy recovery or intense aftercare. Emphasize to your client the importance of avoiding excess moisture and refraining from applying eyebrow makeup for a specified period. Schedule a follow-up appointment to assess results, address concerns, and discuss potential touch-ups or adjustments for future sessions.

Brow bomb lamination


Brow lamination is a popular treatment for those who want low-maintenance but nice-looking brows. It's non-invasive and takes only around 30 minutes on average. It can work for all eyebrows, even those with gaps, creating tremendous potential for a broad, loyal customer base.

Brow lamination tends to be the more affordable treatment, but it doesn't last as long as microblading. This can be frustrating for the customer but profitable for you. You'll create a following for your laminations by consistently producing good results. 


Microblading gives the illusion of thicker eyebrows when someone has fine to no eyebrows. Using microneedles, you inject pigment into the skin (though not as deeply as tattoo ink) and create fuller-looking eyebrows through drawn hair strokes. 

There can be minor pain with this procedure, though most people describe it as simply uncomfortable.

Microblading can last up to three years with proper care and regular touch-ups.


Microblading involves using a specialized hand tool with fine needles to deposit pigment into the upper layers of the skin, creating realistic and defined eyebrow strokes.

After putting on your PPE, you'll carefully outline the client's eyebrows, ensuring symmetry, and then apply numbing cream to minimize their discomfort during the procedure.

Using the microblading tool, you make tiny incisions into the skin and implant pigment into these incisions. Your strokes should follow the natural growth pattern of the eyebrow hair to provide a realistic appearance.


Due to its invasive nature, microblading has a more extended recovery period and requires more detailed aftercare. You'll have to thoroughly explain to customers how the recovery process will work and how to maintain their new brows. If you don't, they may be shocked when scabbing occurs after the treatment, get upset with you, and possibly leave bad reviews. 

Clients must avoid excessive moisture and sun exposure to heal appropriately and keep their results looking great.


Microblading shows its best results for those with little to no eyebrows. 

The treatment is slightly invasive because it uses a tattoo-style technique. You or the client may be uncomfortable with the process since bleeding can happen. So, if you faint at the sight of blood, there may be a better technique for you.

Depending on the customer's needs, this treatment can take 30 minutes to three hours. Depending on your schedule, these may be harder to book between other appointments. 

You'll also need more training and practice than brow lamination to make a customer's brows look realistic and keep them returning for more. But customers with limited natural eyebrows will thank you! 


There isn't a "better" brow technique; it's all about your customers' needs. 

Before both treatments, you should ask about allergies or bad reactions to the tools you will be using. Also, explain aftercare to ensure your customers' brows look their best for the most extended time.

Always treat your clients with respect and focus on providing the best experience possible, and they will no doubt keep booking appointments with you for months to come.