What to Do if a Client Has an Allergic Reaction to Beauty Products

Client safety is paramount in the beauty industry, especially when performing lash lifts and brow laminations. 

But even with the most diligent precautions, an allergic reaction can happen. A client may have an unknown sensitivity to one of your lash supplies, a brow tint, or another product. You can’t control these things, but you can prepare yourself for how to handle a situation like this safely.


What is an allergic reaction? An allergic reaction is the body's immune system's response to a foreign substance, known as an allergen. Common allergens in lash lift procedures and brow laminations include adhesive solutions, perming agents, and lash tinting dyes. Signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction may include redness, swelling, itching, or discomfort in the treated area.


Prevention is vital, and thorough preparation can minimize the risk of your clients having an allergic reaction. 

Before performing either service, it is crucial to conduct a client consultation. This allows you to identify any known sensitivities they may have in addition to answering their lash lift or brow lamination questions

Additionally, performing a patch test at least 24 hours before the scheduled appointment helps determine whether or not the client may have an adverse reaction to any of the products you’ll be using. 

Proper education about the potential risks and the importance of disclosing allergies will also contribute to a safer experience. Lastly, ensure you’ve equipped your workspace with a well-stocked first aid kit, including cold compresses.

Stylist Scheduling a Client Consultation | LashLift Store


It's essential to recognize the early signs of an allergic reaction so you can take prompt action. Keep an eye out for the following:

  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Itching
  • Swelling

Differentiating between an allergic reaction and mere irritation can be challenging. Still, if the symptoms appear severe or progress rapidly, it's safer to assume it's an allergic reaction and act accordingly. Never dismiss a client’s concerns, as they know their body best.


When an allergic reaction occurs, immediate action is vital. 

Firstly, stop the service immediately to prevent further exposure. Assess the severity of the reaction by observing the client's symptoms. If the reaction is severe and involves difficulty breathing, pronounced swelling, or a spreading rash, contact emergency medical services immediately. 

Quick action can make a significant difference in preventing further complications.


While waiting for medical professionals to arrive, or if the client’s reaction is milder, focus on providing initial relief to the client. 

  • Offer a calm and reassuring environment to increase their comfort.
  • Cleanse the affected area with a mild saline solution to remove any remaining product.
  • Apply cold compresses or ice packs to reduce inflammation and alleviate their pain.

Cold Compress for an Allergic Reaction | LashLift Store


Accurate documentation is crucial in handling an allergic reaction to beauty products. This record-keeping serves multiple purposes, including aiding future assessments and providing evidence if any legal matters arise.

Document the specific products you used, the duration of the service, and any other relevant procedure details. With the client's consent, take photographs of the reaction to provide visual evidence. These records will be valuable references for future consultations and can assist in making informed decisions about the client's suitability for similar treatments.


After the initial reaction, it's essential to recommend professional medical attention to the client. Allergic reactions can vary in severity, and a healthcare professional's expertise is invaluable in determining the appropriate treatment. This will also help to prevent potential complications as your client goes about their brow lamination or lash lift aftercare

Provide the client with post-reaction care instructions, such as avoiding further irritants and applying soothing creams or ointments as their healthcare provider advises. Once the client has recovered, conduct a thorough post-reaction assessment to identify any factors contributing to the allergic reaction and adjust your practices accordingly.


Clear policies and liability waivers may not be the most attractive part of your job, but they’re essential to protecting your clients and yourself. 

Consult with legal professionals to ensure your policies are comprehensive and provide adequate protection for all parties involved. Periodically review and update your policies based on new information, industry advancements, or any changes in regulations to maintain the highest standards of client safety.

    Model Patch Testing Product on her Arm | LashLift Store


    To minimize the occurrence of allergic reactions, make these preventative measures standard in your beauty practice’s day-to-day operations: 

    • Source your beauty products from reputable suppliers who prioritize safety and quality. 
    • Regularly review each product’s ingredients to familiarize you with what it contains.
    • Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times.
    • Conduct patch tests on all new clients, regardless of their previous exposure to similar treatments. 
    • Stay updated on the latest best practices and safety guidelines by continuing your education, attending workshops, and participating in industry conferences. 
    • Commit to ongoing improvement and never compromise on client safety.

    Preventing allergic reactions can take a lot of time and extra effort but considering the negative consequences of a client’s bad experience, it should feel well worth it. Remember, it’s much easier to take preventative measures than to contend with a potentially life-threatening situation or a bad review from a client who felt you disregarded their safety.

    By committing to client safety, you’re allowing yourself to continue excelling in your craft while providing a secure environment for your clients.